Exploring Privilege

This module was revised in 2016 to incorporate social-emotional learning, character building and Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California as part of CalSAC's work with the Expanded Learning 360/365 project.

This training deeply explores privilege in order to help participants develop their own self-awareness around their privilege and how it impacts their work with children and youth. There is only one activity for the entire training.

In this training participants will:

  • Reflect on the ways in which they experience privilege in their lives

  • Explore ways in which having and not having privilege impacts the experience of others.

Content Overview: 

Ice Breaker

Participants will discuss with a partner how we enact privilege in our personal relationships, in our workplace, in our programs and/or community work.

Reviewing Group Agreements

Participants will review the group agreements that they created and add anything that they feel is still missing.

Privilege Walk

Participants will experience an activity that asks them to acknowledge certain privileges they have or have not had in their lives. This creates a strong visual representation of inequities that exist and affect us both personally and professionally.


Participants process the Privilege Walk activity to discuss implications this has in how the interact with others.

Training Length: 2 hours