What is TACA?

Teens Advocating for Civic Action (TACA) is a leadership and youth organizing program for middle and high school students, rooted in out-of-school time (OST) programs (like before school, afterschool, and summer learning).  The program includes learning about civic engagement and organizing as well as connects youth across California to discuss advocacy topics, share ideas and resources, and leverage their learning to lead change in their local communities.  An anchor for the program are team advocacy projects, where participating youth get real-world experience with advocacy by designing and implementing their own civic action project.

The TACA program includes a 9-module curriculum, a 2-day in-person Training for TACA Adult Leaders, 9 technical assistance webinars, 2 statewide youth webinars, special sessions at the annual CA Afterschool & Summer Challenge, and more!

TACA Program Goals

  • Create a movement of youth power and voice in OST

  • Bridge the civic engagement gap in low-income communities of color in California

  • Connect, strengthen, and expand the network of program providers promoting civic engagement in OST programs

  • Build leadership skills and self-efficacy in young people to take civic action in their communities and beyond 

  • Build the capacity of adult leaders to lead civic engagement programming and develop their own advocacy voice


TACA Curriculum

  • Introducing Advocacy

  • Identifying What Matters

  • Building a Coalition

  • Resource Mapping

  • Messaging for Impact

  • Art & Advocacy

  • Storytelling

  • Public Speaking

  • Reflect & Celebrate

TACA Youth at the Challenge 2024


TACA Testimonials

Developed in Partnership With


For more information on how to get involved, contact our Program Manager, Kim Cabais at kcabais@calsac.org or 510-444-4622 x108.