Thank you to all who joined us at the 21st Annual California Afterschool & Summer Challenge in Sacramento on March 3-4, 2025! We are so grateful to have had over 400 advocates from all across the state come together to champion the critical role of out-of-school-time (OST) programs. In a time where uncertainty and challenges abound, your energy, dedication, and passion have shown just how vital OST programs are in creating a more equitable future for California's youth and families.

Check out the 2025 CA Afterschool & Summer Challenge Recap!


Challenge Photos


Rally Video


Thank you to our 2025 Community Sponsors & Partners!


We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors and partners whose collaboration and support help amplify the impact of OST programs for youth and families across California. A special thank you to the California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance (CA3) and Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) for being premier sponsors at the Empowerment Leader and Future Visionary tiers and supporting this year’s Challenge with contributions of $10,000 – $20,000.

We had the honor of orchestrating this year’s Challenge in partnership with the California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance (CA3), and alongside committee members from organizations such as Afterschool All Stars Los Angeles, ASAP Connect, California Afterschool Network (CAN), EDMO, EduCare Foundation, ExpandLA, LA Conservation Corps, Partnership for Children and Youth (PCY), and Sacramento County Office of Education.

For more information, contact Jennifer Merrill at or (510) 444-4622 x105.

About the CA Afterschool & Summer Challenge

The annual statewide California Afterschool & Summer Challenge educates and empowers professionals, youth, and families to engage in grassroots advocacy. In addition to helping advance the out-of-school time field (like before school, afterschool and Expanded Learning programs), this advocacy experience helps show young people and emerging leaders how to speak out and use their voices to create change. In collaboration with policy organizations across the state, CalSAC convenes a collective voice for out-of-school time programs, to raise awareness about the impact these programs have on the success of children and youth in school, work and life.

The Challenge Experience

  • Gain tools and receive training, designed for emerging, experienced and youth advocates, led by policy experts, community leaders and youth

  • March with hundreds of advocates through the streets of Sacramento

  • Rally on the Capitol steps, hearing from legislative champions, field leaders, family members and youth 

  • Share your stories and expertise with legislators to make the case for out-of-school time

  • Connect with advocates from your community to build a local base and coordinate future efforts

The importance and role of the Challenge

Protecting the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program: Investment in the Challenge is especially critical in 2025 and 2026, as the field is focused on elevating the impact and success of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) and ensuring that this funding is protected for years to come. The Challenge is an essential component of the broader advocacy strategy of the field, as it helps to personalize OST through the first-hand stories told by young people, parents, and practitioners directly to their representatives. In addition, this experience activates participants and inspires them to continue advocacy work in their local communities, contributing to greater civic engagement across the state.

If you have youth that would like to be involved in advocacy opportunities, learn more about our Teens Advocating for Civic Action (TACA) program.

The Challenge Countdown Corner

Check out our Challenge Countdown Corner to find all the information you need about the CA Afterschool & Summer Challenge. You can also find all the videos on Youtube!


Bringing Youth to the Challenge

Youth participation at the California Afterschool & Summer Challenge is vital for shaping the future of out-of-school time (OST) programs. At the 2024 Challenge, 220 youth voices participated, sharing their firsthand experiences and stories directly with legislators to showcase the life-changing impact OST programs have on their success in school, work, and life.

This experience empowers young people to find and use their voices, demonstrating how they can speak out and advocate for change. By participating in the Challenge, youth not only contribute to the broader advocacy strategy but also gain confidence, training, and tools to continue advocacy work in their local communities, becoming a driving force for civic engagement and the advancement of OST programs.

 Guidelines for Adults Bringing Youth

To ensure proper supervision, CalSAC requires a 1:6 adult-to-youth ratio. Each adult can register and supervise up to six youth participants. For example, if your organization plans to bring 24 youth, you will need at least four adults to register separately. This ensures a safe and enriching experience for everyone involved. See below for all the requirements to bring Youth:

  • Maintain a 1:6 Ratio: Adults must commit to maintaining the required 1:6 adult-to-youth ratio throughout the Challenge.

  • Supervision Responsibility: Adults bringing youth are responsible for ensuring adequate supervision at all times, including during programmatic sessions and Youth Day events.

  • Legislative Visit Requirements: Youth in grades 7th-12th are welcome to attend legislative visits! If you are bringing youth in grades 7th–12th that will be attending legislative visits, you are required to serve as a Team Leader for your group. No policy experience is needed—CalSAC will train and prepare you for success as a Team Leader. This includes:

    • Attending a virtual Team Leader Training

    • Participating in the in-person prep meeting in Sacramento

    • While it is recommended that youth attend both days of the Challenge to prepare for their visit, we recognize that may not always be possible. To ensure success in legislative visits, you will receive a Legislative Visit Kit from CalSAC, which you are required to review with your youth before the Challenge.

  • Youth Registration Coordination: CalSAC will contact you closer to the Challenge to gather youth registration details.

Need more information? Watch the webinar, “Bringing Youth to the Challenge: Best Practices" and/or contact Vincent Arroyo at or 510-444-4622 x 111

If you have youth that would like to be involved in more advocacy opportunities, learn more about our Teens Advocating for Civic Action (TACA) program.

Be a Team Leader at the Challenge!

Team Leaders are an integral component to the success of CalSAC’s California Afterschool & Summer Challenge! As a Team Leader, your team will consist of afterschool and school-age care professionals, parents, and youth with varying levels of advocacy experience. This is a skill building opportunity for many who attend the event as well as an opportunity to advocate for afterschool and school-age programs.

No policy experience needed! We will train and prepare you for success as a Team Leader.

Team Leader Requirements

  1. Attend the full CA Challenge Event

  2. Attend a virtual Team Leader Training

  3. Attend the in-person prep meeting in Sacramento

Need more information? Watch the webinar, “Who Wants to be a Team Leader?” and/or contact Vincent Arroyo, or 510-444-4622 x 111


I was so inspired and moved at the California Afterschool & Summer Challenge – it was amazing to see so many people fighting for one cause – together with the children who are impacted… This experience solidified my commitment to the out-of-school time field and to youth work, as I now understand the big picture and the importance of the work that we do.
— Desiree T., Torrance, CA