This session will introduce participants to social-emotional skills and their relationship to the California Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs. Participants will be able to articulate what social-emotional skills look like in youth and the California Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs that contribute to the skill development in youth.
Going Deeper: Supporting Social-Emotional Learning Skills
During this module, participants will explore program practices that support social-emotional and character skill development. Participants will use their results from a self-reflection tool to identify actions they can take to strengthen their abilities to support social-emotional and character skill development.
Also available as an eLearning training.
Note: Participants must complete the Expanded Learning 360/365 self-reflection before coming to the training.
We Are 100: Supporting Self-Awareness and Self-Management
During this module, participants will learn about how young people’s responses affect personal emotion and behavior, how to introduce and implement group agreements, and share current strategies and resources to support the development of young people’s self-awareness and self-management skills.
We Belong 100: Supporting Social-Awareness and Interpersonal Skills
During this module, participants will learn about how culturally grounded beliefs and background affect our practice with youth, how to help raise our awareness of those factors, and share current strategies and resources to support the development young people’s social-awareness and interpersonal skills.
We Can 100: Supporting Growth Mindset and Self-Efficacy
During this module, participants will learn about what self-efficacy and growth mindset are, explore our own mindset and the potential impact it has on youth, and share current strategies and resources to support the development young people’s growth mindset and self-efficacy.