On-Site Training Module
Participants explore the benefits of connecting young people to their home languages and cultures, and will learn how to effectively engage with EL families and communities.
In this training, participants will:
Explore how to implement cultural identity support in programs
Gain strategies for creating welcoming environments
Assess program's efforts to effectively develop the cultural identities of the ELs in their program and engage their families and communities
Content Overview:
Cupcake Exchange Quotes
Participants take turns pairing up to read quotes from ELs. This will prepare them to understand some of the issues children/youth are grappling with in building healthy cultural identities.
New Americans Video: Gaining Perspective on Immigrant and EL Families' Lives
Through a video and follow-up activity, participants will learn about the experiences of immigrant and EL families and communities.
Tips for Engaging Families and Communities
Participants will be introduced to a set of 5 Tips for Engaging Families and Communities and will discuss ways in which they can implement the tips in their program.
Resource Mapping
In this activity, participants will begin identifying resources and services that could be useful for the families of English Learner's in their program.
Training Length: 4 hours