Dear CalSAC Community

It is with joy and sadness that I am transitioning out of my role at CalSAC. I am also immensely grateful for the opportunity to work alongside you for the past three years at Leadership Retreats, Training of Trainers, and the yearly Challenge. Getting to know and to work with you has been an honor, and has been my main motivating factor in my time at CalSAC. Your commitment, dedication, and ability to continuously place youth at the center is what makes the afterschool field so special.


As a former afterschool teacher, I know firsthand about the transformative power of out-of-school time programming, and have always believed that after school is the most important time of the day. It wasn’t until I worked at CalSAC that I got the privilege to meet and know OST professionals up and down the state who are committed to young people, to community, and to the families we serve.

This past year has highlighted the need for high-quality community schools and the importance of serving families--a truth long known by the OST community. I accepted and am starting a new job as a Community School Manager for the school where I previously taught - an elementary school in the Oakland Unified School District.

To this new role I will bring the skills, relationships, perspectives, and commitment to equity that I have cultivated here at CalSAC. I am beyond grateful for the ongoing support of my current CalSAC colleagues from whom I gained and learned so much.


I wish you all the best, and look forward to continuing the work alongside you.

In community,