CalSAC's 35 Years Strong Giving Campaign - How'd We Do?

We're just a little excited because...we met our year-end fundraising goal! We raised over $35,000 and unlocked an additional $35K in matching funds to help CalSAC unite, empower and transform the out-of-school time community and the children and youth in their care. 

We are so grateful for all of our supporters who helped ensure that CalSAC's work continues to create ripple effects of opportunity, equity and transformation throughout California, both for professionals and the young people they serve.  CalSAC is able to work for another 35 years towards a future where every child and family can access the transformative learning opportunities that out-of-school time (like before school, afterschool, and summer learning programs) provides.

As part of CalSAC's 35 Years Strong Giving campaign, we said that if we met our different fundraising milestones, we would do a fun challenge for each milestone met. Thanks to our supporters, we met ALL of the milestones which means we did ALL of the challenges. Find them below!