As part of the OST Wellness Network Project, CalSAC is launching the Staff Engagement Event program, which strives to deepen the knowledge and skills of out-of-school time professionals in San Mateo and northern Santa Clara counties to support youth mental health and wellness, while minimizing cost barriers for professional development.

Now through Summer 2022, agencies in San Mateo and northern Santa Clara counties can access FREE trainings and receive up to $500 for participating!

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What is a Staff Engagement Event?

Staff engagement events are two-hour virtual trainings covering one of the following mental health and wellness training topics:


Understanding Mental Health and Wellness for Youth and Adults

Exploring Protective Factors

Designing Safe and Supportive Programs

Cultivating Community Partnerships


Power and Purpose Training Series

Exploring Harms to Heal

Incorporating Practices to Support Healing

Empowering Youth to Take Action


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HOW DOES funding work?

This program offers agencies within San Mateo and northern Santa Clara counties monetary stipends for hosting up to two staff engagement events:

  • Agencies will receive a $250 stipend for each staff engagement event hosted.

  • Agencies are eligible to receive up to $500 total for participation in this program.

NOTE: Funding received from participation in this program may be utilized according to agency discretion.

+ Eligibility

To participate, programs must:

+ How to Participate

  1. Email
  2. Request and host a staff engagement event with a minimum of 10 participants by Summer 2022.
  3. Require staff engagement event participants to complete the post-training evaluations.
  4. Participate in an informational interview to provide more information about overall the program experience (optional).
  5. Submit your agency's W9 and receive your stipend!

Interested in participating?

Email CalSAC staff will contact you within 48 hours after receiving your email.