LDI Highlight - Vincent Arroyo

The California School-Age Consortium is proud to highlight Vincent Arroyo from CalSAC's Leadership Development Institute for Emerging Leaders of Color. Vincent is a leader who has demonstrated unrivaled commitment to the field and drive for advanced leadership in the out-of-school time and early learning field.

Vincent Arroyo, Open Mind: The Project for the Development and Education of Children - San Francisco 

Vincent Arroyo, Open Mind: The Project for the Development and Education of Children - San Francisco 

Vincent Arroyo has over 10 years of working experience in the out-of-school time (OST) and Child Care field. He got his start in the field as a Teen Volunteer during his junior year of high school. Since then, he has worked and volunteered for many different non-profits and community based organizations in San Francisco, most recently working for Open Mind/Katherine Michiels School as the After School, Enrichment and Summer Camp Director in August of 2015.

What drives him is his passion for giving back. He grew up in OST programs and it has had a lasting effect on his life. Due to having such positive experiences, he wants to ensure that the next generation of children can have the same positive experiences he had. Looking forward, Vincent hopes to move into mentoring and training staff so that he can continue to give back to the field.

One of Vincent’s favorite times of the year is the summer. This is because summer means summer camp and he enjoys giving children the opportunity to explore new things and activates outside of the traditional school day. He enjoys playing camp group games, singing camp songs, and keeping the summer camp traditions he grew up with alive (including lanyards!). Last summer, he was given the opportunity to develop and launch his very own theater camp. His Little Rivers Theater camp is now in its second summer and looking to expand into the school year. Vincent studied theater at the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts High School, and he enjoys being able to share another passion of his life with his campers and students.

Vincent was born and raised in San Francisco. He has an associate’s degree in Child Development and Behavioral Sciences from the City College of San Francisco. He hopes to one day complete his Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Development. He is excited to now not only to be a part of the CalSAC family, but to also have a group of LDI fellows he can lean on and learn from. He looks forward to new possibilities where he can continue to learn, grow, and challenge himself.