Building Leaders

During this training, participants will explore what it means to be a leader, how to be reflective and intentional about their work, and how to communicate effectively with others. 

In this training participants will:

  • Understand that leadership begins and ends with the self.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of intentional focus through writing empowering questions for themselves.

  • Demonstrate communication through the three main modalities (visual, audio, and kinesthetic).   

Content Overview

Passion Talking

Participants experience talking and listening for one full minute about two different topics, one of little and one of great interest to them.  This activity focuses on the differences in communication and delivery when they feel passionate about something. 

Who Are You Being?

Focuses on the importance of understanding the equation E (Events) + R (Reaction) = O (Outcomes) and that the only control we have is over the REACTION.  This will ultimately help participants focus on the parts of their jobs which are within their control and help them

Methods to Shift Who You Are Being

In this three-part activity, a variety of experiential practices will help the participant understand how integral they are in promoting positive outcomes for children/youth and staff.

Training Length: 2 hours