Launched in October 2000, Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their role in keeping kids safe, inspiring them to learn and helping working families. The effort has become a hallmark of the afterschool movement - each year, more than 1 million Americans celebrate at more than 8,000 events nationwide.
Afterschool Works
The Afterschool Alliance released a new video series featuring moving testimonials from parents and kids about how afterschool programs have impacted their lives, families and communities. The videos focus on key themes: supporting parents; helping kids learn and grow; inspiring future careers; and keeping kids safe.
Save Afterschool
This campaign to increase the After School Education and Safety (ASES) program daily rate is led by the California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance (CA3), a collaboration of afterschool providers and advocacy organizations that are dedicated to promoting legislative and administrative policies, both state and federal, that enhance the quality and accessibility of afterschool programs in California, including the protection of funding for the state’s ASES program.