Non-Title V Centers and Family Child Care Quality Counts Program
Below you will find information on grant distribution, grant reporting requirements and professional development stipend distribution. All necessary forms are linked below.
If you have any questions, please contact Zak Parpia at or 510-444-4622 x103.
Quality Counts Grant Distribution and reporting
Non-CSPP Quality Counts grants are issued annually by First 5. CalSAC is in a support role to distribute and manage the funding disbursement. More information coming soon.
Professional Development (PD) Stipends
The QC annual PD stipend that is distributed by California School-Age Consortium (CalSAC) is available to reward teaching staff at non-Title V centers and family child care homes for hours of PD completed.
Quality Counts (QC) provides financial incentives to encourage and support early care and education professionals to continue their learning and education. Center and family child care staff are eligible to receive an annual $350 Professional Development (PD) stipend for the completion of 21 hours of professional development (maximum 1 stipend per year).
QC Participants are encouraged to attend trainings on the QC Professional Development Plan, as these free trainings align with the California Framework and Pathways to Quality.
All PD must relate to the site’s Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) in order to be eligible for stipends or grants.
To submit your PD stipend documentation, click on the link below to download the Quality Counts Professional Development Stipend Tracking Form.
Quality Counts Professional Development Stipend Tracking Form
Formulario de Seguimiento Para El Incentibo de Desarrollo Profesional de Quality Counts
Complete forms but be submitted to CalSAC by June 30, 2019:
Mail: CalSAC, Attn: Zak Parpia, 1918 University Avenue, Suite 4B, Berkeley, CA 94704