This LDI journey has been a memorable, impactful, humbling, fun, and eye-opening experience...My learning and growth has made me a better colleague and supervisor, and I am more confident in my role within my organization.
— LDI 360/365 Participant


For the 2018 year, the Leadership Development Institute (LDI) 360/365 seeks organizations dedicated to the development of social-emotional learning and character building to commit 3-5 staff to participate in the year long, cohort-based program for emerging leaders in afterschool and expanded learning. Using a multicultural leadership framework and modeled after our existing LDI fellowship for emerging leaders of color, LDI 360/365 will equip professionals with skills in management and leadership to effectively lead high-quality programs that build the character of staff and young people. Participating fellows should demonstrate an aspiration for advanced leadership in their organizations and field. 

Download an application preview document for more information about the project, commitment and application instructions.

+ Important Fellowship Dates

  • Complete an intake call with CalSAC staff to determine eligibility by November 20, 2017. If minimum eligibility is determined, CalSAC will invite organizations to submit an application packet by November 27, 2017
  • LDI 360/365 Opening Retreat, to be held January 25-27, 2017 in the SF Bay Area (3 full-days to set the foundation for the fellowship and build the cohort community)

  • LDI 360/365 Leader Circles (full-day cohort gatherings, TBD locations alternate geographically)

    • Friday, February 16, 2018
    • Friday, March 16, 2018
    • Friday, April 13, 2018
    • Monday, May 14 – Tuesday, May 15, 2018 (Sacramento, CA)
    • Friday, June 8, 2018
    • Friday, July 13, 2018
    • Friday, August 10, 2018
    • Friday, September 14, 2018
    • Friday, October 12, 2018
    • Friday, November 9, 2018

  • LDI 360/365 Closing Retreat, to be held December 5-6, 2018 or December 6-7, 2018 in the SF Bay Area

16 days total at approximately 8 hours per day = approximately 128 hours total. Travel provided; lodging for multi-day events provided.

+ Qualifications


  • Must currently have the capacity to support participation of 3-5 staff.
  • Must be a California-based organization/district/agency in the expanded learning field.
  • Must select and pre-approve the 3-5 staff to apply.


  • Must be selected and invited to apply by their organization.
  • Must identify as an emerging leader.
  • Must be a site coordinator (oversees a program at one site and is responsible for supervision of frontline staff).
  • Have an aspiration for advanced leadership in their organization and the out-of-school time field.
  • A strong candidate will have demonstrated some exposure to being a supervisor, working with budgets and strategic planning and programming.
  • Has at least 2 years of experience working with a school-age child care, afterschool program, summer enrichment or in governmental agencies or foundations that work with out-of-school time issues.
  • Must be available to attend all cohort gatherings.

+ Acceptance

If accepted, organizations are required to submit a Fellowship Commitment form signed by each Fellow and their supervisor, and a one-time program participation fee based on the size of the organization’s operating budget.

  • Less than $499,999 - $2,500 program fee
  • $500,000 and $999,999 - $3,500 program fee
  • $1,000,000 and $3,999,999 - $4,500 program fee
  • Over $4,000,000: - $5,500 program fee

Fellowships are valued at $6,000 per Fellow, and costs are highly subsidized thanks to the generous support of the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation. Scholarships may be available based on need.

+ Application Instructions

Organizations must complete an intake call with CalSAC to discuss eligibility by November 20, 2017. If minimum eligibility is determined, CalSAC will invite organizations to apply by submitting the following by November 27, 2017:

  • One (1) organization application providing background information about the organization and its desired outcomes for participation; as well as names of the 3-5 staff that will apply on behalf of the organization.
  • Three to five (3-5) applications of staff to be completed and submitted individually.

Please contact Charnelle Ruff at or (510) 444-4622 x110 to schedule an intake call or to request additional information.