Countdown to Presidential Election: November 3, 2020
Polls open from 7:00am-8:00pm. Be sure to make a voting plan - when you will vote, where you will go and who/what you will vote for!
With over 4,500 programs, the out-of-school time workforce in California is a powerful voting base and can influence policymakers. Join us to ensure every youth worker is registered to vote, and does!
Check out facts about voters, what young people are doing to ignite the vote, and voting information to make sure our voice is heard!
Facts on Voters
Are you one of them? Register here.
Significant spikes occurred after the the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida and nationwide gun violence protests. Youth want change.
18-25 year olds are also more likely to be people of color, and represents the vast majority of the OST workforce.
Need more inspiration to vote?
Young people are getting out the youth vote! Let’s follow their lead!
Obama doesn't have time for these 7 excuses not to vote.
We've all heard it before. "I don't care about politics" or "I can't relate to any of the candidates". These are NOT valid excuses to stay home and not vote.
Voter Information
Am I eligible to register?
US Born or Naturalized Citizen
Resident of California
At least 16 years of age
If all three conditions apply to you, then you are are eligible to register as a California voter.
Note: You can pre-register as a 16 and 17 year old, which means on your 18th birthday, the Registrar will automatically register you to vote and send you notification in the mail. You don't need to take time filling out another form unless you change your name, address and/or want to change your political party.
What if I missed the registration deadline?
If you missed the deadline to register to vote in California, you may not be able to vote at your regular polling place or vote by mail, there is still an opportunity to cast a ballot by completing the conditional voter registration process.
Eligible citizens who missed the deadline can go to their county elections office or a designated satellite location to register and vote conditionally. Their ballots will be processed once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process. Voters can complete the conditional voter registration process through Election Day.
What are the different ways I can vote?
There are multiple ways to cast your vote in California.
Vote by Mail
Request a vote-by-mail ballot. Your ballot must be returned by mail and postmarked on the deadline. You can also return your ballot in person to your county elections office or any polling place in your county.
Vote Early in Person
Some counties offer early voting at a few locations before Election Day. Contact your county elections office to see if they offer early voting at:
Vote at the Polls on Election Day
Polls are open on Election Day from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The location of your polling place is printed on the back page of the county Voter Information Guide your county elections official mailed to you. You can also find your polling place by calling (800) 345-VOTE (8683) and online at
What are my rights as a voter?
As a Californian, you have voting rights! This short video walks you through them.
Who and what do I vote for?
Find out exactly what is on your ballot here and research the issues and candidates using the California Official Voter Information Guide. Many organizations that already align with your values release voter guides to help you make informed decisions. Stay tuned for additional resource to help you make a decision.