Our English Learner Training and Professional Development Project is an intensive program that strengthens the capacity of youth-providers to deliver high-quality, intentional, and inclusive programming that meets the needs of young people who are developing their English language skills. This project is offered in partnership with Development Without Limits West and Public Profit.
Project Components:
On-site and eLearning modules: These three 4-hour trainings help to strengthen the capacity of out-of-school time providers to deliver high quality programming that meets the needs of English Learner children and youth. Participants are introduced to the factors beyond language fluency that affect the experience of English Learners in schools, in order to gain a deeper understanding of who English Learners are. Staff can then identify and plan specific strategies to support English Learners’ academic achievement, socio-emotional experience and family engagement.
Tools and Resources: Enrolled program sites receive three tool booklets with strategies and activities to help support English Learners and their families.
Ongoing Technical Assistance: CalSAC Trainers complete a site observation to support the implementation of strategies and activities learned
““We changed our program immensely. Before, we were going through the motions. Because of these trainings, we slowed it down a little bit and incorporated a lot more of the strategies into the structure of our program.””