Elvy Pacheco

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Los Angeles

Beyond the Bell, program coordinator

CalSAC LDI Fellow | 2016


Elvy Pacheco has been in the out of school time arena since 2005 with the Beyond the Bell Branch organization, which is a division appointed by LAUSD to provide access to high quality academic, enrichment, and recreational programs. Elvy is currently serving as a Program Coordinator with Beyond the Bell’s Youth Development Program. With a B.A. in Sociology and a M.A in Public Administration from California State University, Northridge, Elvy uses her knowledge of Sociology and Public Administration to create professional development opportunities for frontline staff in the areas of program development, youth development, and managing and understanding organizational behavior. Elvy reflects on her experiences with CalSAC’s Leadership Development Institute (LDI):

“I clearly remember how nervous yet excited I was boarding the plane to Oakland to my first Leadership Development Institute retreat. As the plane took off and settled, I looked out the window and the sky was beautiful! The serenity of the clouds gave me the feeling of hope that change is on its way. In a matter of three days I was challenged to my core, mentally broken down and began to see my authentic self. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul of a person. On the second day of the retreat, CalSAC’s Executive Director, Ruth Obel-Jorgensen, looked into my eyes and asked me two important questions, ‘who are you?’ and ‘who do you pretend to be’? Her deep stare into my eyes exposed who I was pretending to be and as I utter the words I cried of liberation. In that moment, I knew I needed to answer those two questions before taking any steps in leading others.” 

“My participation with the Leadership Development Institute (LDI) has given me the gift of a deeper sense of self and an understanding of my role within my organization, community and the world. LDI gave me the ability to understand that as an emerging leader of color I need to face the barriers that not only society has prescribed to me but also the barriers that I myself have created, which can be more detrimental. Throughout my LDI leadership journey, I made the oath to advocate in breaking the barriers emerging leaders of color are facing by focusing on the concepts of leadership that supports racial justice, creating community within my organization and exploring my own strengths.”

“My experience with LDI will be my strength to not give up and continue to take action and advocate for a just society. There are so many positive images of emerging leaders of color making a difference in our communities and it’s the 14 people I have grown to love, appreciate, and consider family, my LDI fellows. They are the ripples of a hopeful tomorrow.”